The opening of "Face of the Community" at the Norman Rea Gallery, Langwith College reviewed by the York University student culture magasine:

This exhibition at York University's gallery space will continue till 12th November.

Also featured in the York Press!

A great thanks to all those who attended the opening.
Many thanks to Colm from Khaoz media for covering the exhibition opening. Heres the link to the finished article:

Pictures taken from the Exhibition opening at Space 109. The artist with portrait of Terry, detail from Barbara P portrait, participant Ben with portrait of himself.
Heres a few images I took in the studio today, a couple of details from paintings in progress.

Exhibition Opening

The project is almost complete, the paintings almost finished, finishing touches to be made for the editing of the film, and a host of other finishing detailia.

The opening night for the Face of the Community exhibition, invitation only, starts at 7pm, Saturday 7th August at Space 109 ( ).

The exhibition is open at weekends from the 8th August -5th September. Opening times are 10am-5pm on Saturdays and 1.30pm-5pm on Sundays.

Alternatively if you'd like to see the exhibition throughout the week private viewings may be arranged by contacting Thomas Rimmington by email:
This is an image of Barbara, a participant in the project. Each participant has taken part in an interview, and a a photo shoot to obtain reference material for the painted portrait.


Welcome to the "Face of the Community" blog. My names Thomas Rimmington, and I'm leading this community arts project.

After spending time in Space 109 community centre ( I was using it as a studio space for my portrait painting) when I first moved to York, I got to know a few of the local residents of Walmgate. Listening to some of their stories I became aware of the rich history and cultural diversity of the area . I thought it would be great to capture some of these experiences and so formed an idea for a project named "Face of the Community". It was my aim to create a project that would celebrate the identity and bring to light the experiences of the residents and the people involved in this community.

The project has begun with filming, interviews and photographing of residents and members of the Walmgate community.